mai 01, 2011

Când oamenii devin cu adevărat liberi! poem de Colin Ryan

Cand oamenii devin cu adevarat liberi!
versiunea în limba română

Vine o vreme in viata oamenilor

Cand nemilosii si nebunii criminali
Care-i conduc pe cei multi
Pentru propriul castig
Fac greseala fatala
De a se bucura prea mult
De distractia lor bolnava.
Si duc prea departe nevoia lor
De a-i calca in picioare pe altii
Distrugand orice urma de viata in siguranta
Si luand absolut toate libertatile
Furand ultimele bunuri
Ca oamenii nici sa nu poata avea grija de semenii lor
Amutind vocile lor cu legi corupte
Infrangandu-i cu o guvernare in forta
Unde nu exista dreptate pentru cei inselati
Si oamenii nu mai au la cine sa apeleze
Cand acest joc nebun
este dus asa de departe
Vine o vreme cand
oamenii nu mai au ce pierde.
Acesta este momentul
in care mintile oamenilor sunt eliberate.
Acesta este momentul
in care omul scapa de frica de moarte.
Acesta este momentul
in care omul devine invincibil.
Devine liber sa faca tot ce vrea
Fara teama pentru viata sa
sau pentru viitor.
Va lua in maini destinul
Departe de mainile insangerate ale celor fara suflet
Toate actiunile le va face hotarat
Cu increderea ca trebuie sa faca ceva
Pentru ca nu are viitor
Si cu atat mai marcata
va fi fapta sa.
Caci fiind pus in fata cu exterminarea
si fara nici-o scapare.
Va lua cu el cat mai multi asupritori
Murind cu bucurie intr-un act de altruism
pentru schimbarea viitorului omenirii.
Aceasta zi se apropie
Ca intotdeauna!
Mintile malefice perverse
se autodistrug intotdeauna!
Pe cand setea lor de suferinta
nu va fi potolita niciodata.
Controland pentru paranoia lor
si frica de oameni.
Pentru ca orice om bun
va dobora aceste brute.
Orice om liber
se va sacrifica pentru semenii lui.
Pentru ca un om care nu mai are nimic de pierdut,
ajunge in deplinatatea puterii
[ .. complet imputernicit .. ]
Si este arma cea mai puternica
[ .. invincibila .. ]

When Men Become Truly Free
By Colin Ryan

There comes a times in the lives of men
When the ruthless and the criminally insane
Who rule the masses for their own gain
Make the fatal mistake of enjoying too much
Their psychopathic entertainment.
They lose control in their lust for blood
And take too far their need to tread men down
By destroying any sense of a secure life
And taking away each and every freedom
Stealing the last piece of wealth they possess
So they cannot even care for their own
Stifling their voice with laws and corruption
Beating them down with rule by force
Where no justice exists for those being played
And there is no direction left for men to turn.
When this insane game is taken this far
Comes the time when men have nothing left to lose.
This is the time when the minds of men are freed.
It is a time when man loses his fear of death.
This is the time when a man becomes invincible,
He becomes free to do whatever he must do
Without fear for his life or for his future.
He will take control of the destiny of the world
Away from the bloodied hands of the soulless.
Any action he takes he will take with a surety
That he must do something for he has no future.
So the act he chooses will be all the greater
For when faced with oblivion and with no way out
There is one thing this now fearless man will do.
He will take down as many of his oppressors with him
Gladly die in a selfless act to change the world’s future.
This day is coming soon as it always does.
The perverse minds of evil always self destruct
As their addiction to our suffering can never be sated,
Exerting control for their paranoia and fear of men.
For every good man will take down these brutes.
Every free man will give up himself for his brothers.
For a man with nothing left becomes fully empowered
And he is the most unassailable weapon.(C) 2010 Colin Ryan

Hear it read by British actor, Des Brittain.

Myspace Clocks, Video Clocks at