iunie 03, 2011

” Light of a New Day” of Vitalii Grachev-VITAS

Despre vocea incredibilă de contratenor a lui Vitalii Vladasovici Grachev , cu numele  de scenă Vitas , care acoperă şase octave şi aproape că trece de  bariera sonică, accesibilă urechii umane s-au scris multe speculaţii,colegii mai invidioşi de breaslă  l-au atacat la început, creând o mulţime de controverse, legate de vocea lui Vitas - unii spuneau că e extraterestru sau rodul unui experiment genetic, alţii - că s-a născut cu o malformaţie genetică , având branhii, ca amfibiile şi deaceea poartă gâtul acoperit, alţii, că nu cântă, de fapt,  niciodată live şi că vocea lui e creată artificial pe calculator – dar toate aceste atacuri nu şi-au atins scopul, deoarece Vitas şi-a schimbat stilul vestimentar, lăsănd la vedere gâtul de om obişnuit, fără nici un fel de branhii, în timpul concertelor îndepărtează microfonul de la gură, sau face pauze pentru a vorbi, demonstrând că totul se petrece live, iar cei ce stau în primele rânduri la concerte sunt cei mai fideli apărători ai săi, susţinând că vocea lui este absolut reală şi…cu atât mai incredibilă!O să mai adaug, că în toate ţările lumii unde a concertat Vitas, psihoterapeuţii au început să  folosească muzica lui în scop terapeutic - este demonstrat prin rezultate că o oră de meloterapie cu vocea lui Vitas reglează tensiunea arterială, calmează crizele de depresie şi anxietate, induce o stare de linişte şi calm, ajută la un somn odihnitor, etc.
Acum un an Vitas a hotărât să facă un cadou tuturor celor care îl ascultă - a creeat un mixaj, o piesă special concepută pentru meditaţie, ce durează 40 de minute… o muzică…..nici nu ştiu cum să îi spun – vindecătoare, înălţătoare, divină, ce transformă sufletul şi îl ridică spre Cer.

Încărcat de  în data de 11.07.2009

HD version of this video can be downloaded here:
Light of a new day is an amazing experiment of Vitas as a singer and songwriter in the genre of enigmatic music. This 40-minutes-long creation is full of radiant energy, mystery, earthly and cosmic images. The diamond voice of Vitas and his magical music co-exist in complete harmony interlacing into a single whole.
All the power of Vitas' voice, all his light energy filled this new creation which he called "Light of a New Day". It is like another world, a special message of the artist's music and voice to everyone who is in need of emotional protection, who may find support in this aura of light and good.
Visit the official website to download the full version absolutely free:
VITAS as a singer and songwriter has been known on Russian stage since 2000. Today Vitas is an artist who has gained popularity outside of Russia as well. His performances took place in the most prestigious and greatest halls.
He has filmed 15 music videos, released 23 CDs and presented 5 concert shows. Possessing a unique vocal range of 5 octaves, Vitas is capable to perform brilliantly vocal pieces of different music genres. The artists music videos are represented on the following page of his official website:

A denumit-o ” Light of a New Day” , nu va fi de vânzare, deoarece a fost concepută ca un Dar de Iubire către toţi cei care în aceşti ani i-au oferit lui Vitas iubirea lor necondiţionată şi l-au susţinut.  Acceptate sunt doar donaţiile voluntare, pentru susţinerea proiectului pentru viitor.Bravo Vitalii,un gest frumos pentru care-ţi mulţumim!

HD version of this video can be downloaded here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?j5tdonf1yuuLight of a new day is an amazing experiment of Vitas as a singer and songwriter in the genre of enigmatic music. This 40-minutes-long creation is full of radiant energy, mystery, earthly and cosmic images. The diamond voice of Vitas and his magical music co-exist in complete harmony interlacing into a single whole.
All the power of Vitas' voice, all his light energy filled this new creation which he called "Light of a New Day". It is like another world, a special message of the artist's music and voice to everyone who is in need of emotional protection, who may find support in this aura of light and good.
Visit the official website to download the full version absolutely free:
http://www.vitas.com.ru/newday/newday_eng.htmlVITAS as a singer and songwriter has been known on Russian stage since 2000. Today Vitas is an artist who has gained popularity outside of Russia as well. His performances took place in the most prestigious and greatest halls.
He has filmed 15 music videos, released 23 CDs and presented 5 concert shows. Possessing a unique vocal range of 5 octaves, Vitas is capable to perform brilliantly vocal pieces of different music genres. The artists music videos are represented on the following page of his official website:

Light of a New Day”  se poate downloada gratuit de pe site-ul oficial al lui Vitas.Clipul pentru piesă există, deocamdată, în 4 variante promoţionale, care se pot urmări pe youtube (şi acolo există link pentru download gratuit) Combinaţia de muzică şi imagini îţi taie, pur şi simplu, respiraţia!

Myspace Clocks, Video Clocks at WishAFriend.com