"Eu transmit, nu creez.Am încredere în cei vechi şi-i iubesc." Confucius
“...In primul rând, păziţi cu orice preţ libertatea de exprimare. Fiţi atenţi la dictatori, care s-au servit permanent de tendinţa fiinţei umane de a-i blama pe alţii şi de a banaliza realitatea. Şi nu vă priviţi, voi înşivă, drept gardieni ai libertăţii, atât timp cât nu respectaţi şi nu apăraţi dreptul oamenilor cu care nu sunteţi de acord, de a se exprima liber, public şi nestânjenit.” Gerard K. O’Neill
martie 20, 2011
The Earth from Above ,Yann Arthus-Bertrand
The Earth from Above
"With Earth from above, I simply want people to see the Earth as it is today, as faithfully as possible. What motivates me is the impact a photograph can make within the framework of environmental preservation. The great novelty of our time is that mankind has the power to change its environment and I want my photos to testify to this fact so people can realise this." (Yann Arthus-Bertrand)
The Earth from Above
part 1 Music is by Valdi Sabev
part 2 Music is by Valdi Sabev
part 3 Music is by Valdi Sabev
part 4 Music is by Xerxes
please watch the video in full HD, it looks awesome !
part 5 Music is by Jens Gad from the Album Le Spa Sonique
Yann Arthus-Bertrand, born 1946 in France, has become globally famous as a nature photographer. During his career he discovered the beauty of the world as seen from above when he became a hot air balloon pilot and began experimenting with aerial photography. Besides photography, Yann passionately engages in non-profit projects for different organisations. In 2005 Yann created GoodPlanet.org, a non-profit organisation, which is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development, which is the common leitmotif throughout all his different projects.
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